Sunday, October 12, 2014

O Brother Where Art Thou?/Cinderella Man Review

The Depressing Happiness

The two films, "O Brother Where Art Thou?" by Coen brothers, and "Cinderella Man" by Ron Howard, are set upon the depression in the 1930's. Both films are actually quite well made. "O Brother Where Art Thou?" had excellent acting, dynamic and funny story plot, and connecting the hero's journey to the journey of Odysseus, such as parody to sirens and cyclops. And "Cinderella Man" includes good use of lightning mix, great fighting scenes, and detailed presentation of the Great Depression that the protagonist goes through. But personally I preferred "Cinderella Man" over "O Brother Where Art Thou?".
The first reason is the heartwarming story. The struggle of the protagonist in the Great depression to keep the family together and the fact that it is based on a real story were big factors for me.
On a scale of 1-10, I would rate "O Brother Where Art Thou?" 7.5 because I liked the comedy, the music, and the connection to Odyssey, but I did not like the violence toward the animals in the movie. And I would rate "Cinderella Man" 8.5 because of the historical accuracy, quality of fight scenes, and usage of real life story.
The reason I believe "Cinderella Man" is historically accurate is because of the way the movie presented the poverty during the Great Depression. Some of the examples are children playing in broken-down car, large number of people desperate for minimum wage manual labor, and Braddock(protagonist)'s family pulling apart commercial signs for firewood.
But there are some inaccuracies in "Cinderella Man" for character. Max Baer,the antagonist, was demonized quite a bit in the movie compared to real life. for example, in the movie Baer seems to kill men on the ring on purpose, while in real life, he stayed with the victim until paramedics showed up, and suffered emotional trauma for a long time.
But nevertheless, "Cinderella Man" is a highly recommended movie for history movie lovers.

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